Creating a payment (easy way)

If your website was created using CMS please take a look at the list of our modules.

To initiate a payment through a single form of payment, you just need to direct the user to a special URL and transfer a number of required parameters.



The request is used to initialize a payment

Path Parameters

Query Parameters



PUBLIC KEY: The value of the project public key can be found on the project page in the special Payment Form section of your personal account.

Request digital signature

For additional security of your payments, we perform mandatory verification of the digital signature when creating a payment. The signature guarantees protection against the substitution of the transmitted values (e.g., changing the payment amount or order number).

Example of creating a digital signature in PHP:

Default payment method

You can define the payment system that will be used for the user by default. To do this, add parameter / system_code corresponding to the alphabetic code of the payment system at the end of the URL of your payment form (for example:\).

Return to the store's website

After initializing the payment, the user goes to the receipt page where the payment status is tracked. After users have received a successful or error status, they are redirected to the partner's site (Fail URL/Success URL fields in the personal account settings) with GET parameters:

Last updated