
The Module Setup and Installation Instruction

  1. Download the archive with the module.

  2. Unpack the contents of the archive to the root of the site.

  3. Go to the site admin panel.

  4. Go to the Website -> Module settings.

  5. Click the Clear cache button.

  6. Install the Unitpay module. To do this, click the Not installed button next to the module.

  7. Go to Store -> Payment Methods.

  8. Click Add payment method and set up a new payment system. Do not forget to enter DOMAIN (, PUBLIC KEY, and SECRET KEY which you can get in your personal account.

9. In your account, enter the address of the payment handler http://<your site address>/onlinepay/unitpay/result/

P.S. Format error message will be displayed in the payment handler - do not pay attention to it.

Last updated